Start The Right Way . . . With Us!


We are undoubtedly ahead of our time with our segmented processes. Starting with us means starting the right way and not with equipment that keeps getting old and outdated. All your vendors will be using the latest high-tech equipment which allows you to always sell the top-quality products all the time.

AFFORDABILITY: Our franchise system is inexpensive to begin with, and it comes without the worry of having to upgrade already pricey equipment and the supplies needed to make them function on an everyday basis.

EFFICIENT PRODUCTION: With Studio Graphix, there is no in-house production. Other franchises focus on in-house production because of their initial investment in equipment. These types of machines and systems are always and increasingly becoming outdated, leaving little to no equipment resale value. The equipment that will produce your products will always be the most modern and high-tech equipment on the market. Rest assured, you will always know that your quality is tops! Take a quick look at this video to see some of the types of equipment that will be doing your production work.

WE KEEP IT SIMPLE: Our simple method means it’s easy to learn our system. Franchisees will experience little to no stress to begin with, low (if any) employee demands, and you can choose your work schedule.

PROFITABILITY: Studio Graphix will provide the philosophy for running a printing, sign, shirts and photography business, and how to leverage this knowledge to make a great income in these growing industries. Franchisees will see a fast and strong ROI compared to the industry standard.

TRADE SOURCES: Franchisees will benefit from the knowledge of all Studio Graphix trade sources! Also franchisees will learn how to implement all those trade sources for growth and success.

PHOTOGRAPHY/HEADSHOTS: With the Studio Graphix uniquely built photography system, your clients will be able to get the exact headshot expression that “they want” by using our self-view and remote shooting system. Your clients will be able to sit, view themselves in the large monitor and with a remote in their hand, be able to shoot the exact picture they want. Excellent for Realtors and Corporate Clients. The photography system is also expandable to product photography, group pictures, on location, school, church or any event. It’s even remote so you’ll be able to move it to “on location” shots. Basically any kind of photography, it’s up to you!

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